Sunday, March 29, 2009

Falling Man

Americans all have their stories about 9/11. Where they were, who told them. I have mine. I was in a suburban middle school; I’d never been to New York. I was in Home Economics and they had an announcement over the intercom, saying would all teachers please send a student up to the main office right now to carry a message. We all waited for a minute and then a little girl came back with a yellow piece of paper and the teacher read it and I’m pretty sure I was the only one who saw her cry a bit just then. Then she turned on a TV and we watched the news.

Then the bell rang for the next class and we all shuffled on. I went to English class where my teacher called them bastards and motherfucks, and then he turned on the news too and we watched as the second plane hit and a girl near me screamed. My teacher, he was this tall, thin, quiet person, he just sat in the back at his desk and muttered bastards, motherfucks. I don’t really know what else he could have done. We were twenty middle schoolers being faced with the sublime. We watched people jump and fly out of the towers and one girl cried, but most of us were quiet because we didn’t know what to do.

Then there was another announcement over the intercom, which said that they were going to let out school early. They rang the bell and we all came out and all our parents were there, cars lined up into the distance, waiting to get a hold of their sons and daughters, hundreds of miles from the crash, they needed us safe and in hand.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I Have Not Been Updating My Blog

Surprise, surprise.

Basically the only thing that will keep me updating regularly is likely to be a requirement of some kind that I do so. Something which actually applies on the TSTL blog-we're making sure everybody posts at least once a week. (And getting at least 500 views a week as a result...)

So who knows how often, or whether, I'll be updating this thing. The name's really dumb, which is another reason I usually don't. But whatever, I feel like basically any blog name is going to sound preposterous until you get a huge amount of readers.

Anyway, I'm now in a creative writing class, and have suddenly discovered that I am a big fan of writing and plan to do much more of it. Not for any particular reason, mostly just as an outlet. (That said, if somebody approached me with SIX ZILLIONS OF DOLLARS for a publishing deal... I'd consider it.) Fiction, mostly. Because I do not know how to write poetry effectively.

As a side note, I would like to comment that Neal Stephenson has a real knack for coming up with totally absurd details in his books. Such as the name of a metal band which figures in his novel Zodiac: "Pöyzen Böyzen." Quote from one of the characters: "Not bad for a two-umlaut band."