Monday, June 30, 2008

Whoa, how has it been this long?

Intense weeks have passed. This is exactly what I hope for.

Living intensely is the goal, ladies and gents. Play rock and roll, laugh, love, even sleep, but do it intensely.

Living in the city, you get pulled in a million different directions at once. My biggest struggle is just staying on one thing and doing it well, completely, until it's through. But I tend to succeed at that.

Will return to more regularly updating, I promise. It's been a wild time.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I have a job.

Do you ever get random moments of apparent intuition about things that, upon further reflection, couldn't possibly be true? Do you see someone walking down the street and suddenly realize that man is your brother, or that he will kill you someday? Do you see one car coming down the street at night and get a strange, inescapable foreboding?

Sometimes I feel asleep when I'm at my most awake.

Monday, June 9, 2008

I drive a Chevrolet... theater.

Past few days have been pretty out-there. Came to realization that aside from not presently having a job, I'm actually not really lame. Pretty much everyone spends a lot of time just kind of hanging out, watching movies or whatever. Did not have different image of "others," but never thought about it.

Have been seeing a lot of people I hadn't in some time as it's grad weekend, some good, some not. Hung out with Matt Farr today, which was excellent... then assembled a motley crue consisting of myself, Kegan, and three folks I know but never seem to hang with much (DeHaas, Gere & Kill). When we rolled up on the Gere abode, we found a scene that was all too familiar: three comatose-looking individuals watching Shrek 2. Aww yeah, Sunday night.

Unfortunately found no Squad kids to roll up on.

Fortunately was pulled over by cops due to my waving a random prosthetic leg out window of Tom's car. Had obtained it at yard sale for 10 cents. Cop was confused, let us go.

In closing: Must continue my reeducation in the ways of Son House. Have decided that if I listen to the old bluesmen more, I shall become the ultimate rock musician.

BONUS: If you can think of what the significance of GREENL is, you get a high five. If there is more than one, then, whatever.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Watched A Scanner Darkly. Don't know what everyone was talking about as far as the animation pissing them off; it added a lot to the surreal nature of the film, and did a lot for the viewer's perception of the main character's drug-addled world. Like all cyberpunk, it was very out-there: that, of course, is half the point. But what I really appreciated is that the film made few concessions to Hollywood in translating over from the novel. Rather than something like Blade Runner (another Dick novel), which was demystified and clear-cut, A Scanner Darkly leaves you confused, startled, and maybe somewhat disturbed by its messages, and it takes a lot of brainpower to even follow it. Warner Independent Films is doing something very good here.

Philip K. Dick is one of a few writers in the genre I have been meaning to get much more into (Neal Stephenson is another), and I think I'll pursue it much more actively now that film got it on my mind.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Feeling tired.

Funny how words and phrases have complex, connotative meanings that are not, in fact, their meanings. "Wire" means laceration, perhaps someone with a certain fascination with cutting people in half. "Pie" is rubbery, while "Bank" is a robbery, or one that is waiting to happen. Maybe the only word that really sounds like just what it is (excluding, of course, our friends the onomatopoeia) is "rope," a reassuringly thick, taut word.

Under fishnet gale you beer reap, used to so it seems.