Thursday, July 31, 2008

doot doot dee, daat daa.

This blog is becoming less and less interesting and frequent... Tends to happen with blogs. At least with those not passionate about "blogging."

Regardless, it will maintain its existence as a conduit for whatever the hell I feel like.

Rediscovered Coldplay's A Rush of Blood to the Head. I always used to think I really disliked them... their singles were really not very exciting. They have some very interesting album tracks, though. Much better than "yellow" and its ilk. Think "politik" is my favorite of theirs at the moment.

The backyard show was officially the last one we're going to do. From now on we will be focusing on honing our act and performing at venues, if only for credibility reasons. We know we can get more gigs of that sort, we just haven't been putting in the effort to do it. Do have a gig coming up at SPACE gallery though, and potentially one at a festival down on the pier. Many new songs coming together quickly, quickly now. They are all getting to be much more sophisticated and better-written than some of our older stuff, which may mean that eventually after we put out this album we're working on "Frogs" gets retired, along with some others. We shall see.

Meuhhhh. Work tomorrow through tuesday.

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