Saturday, July 5, 2008


Realized something about myself today: I have no regrets. I really have made no decisions in my life that I could come to regret or be ashamed of, because in the situations I was in, I have always made sure I did what I thought was right. It's a heartening thought.

Battle of the Bands at the Big Easy tomorrow against a whole slew of metalheads. Whoo. That'll be a mess.

1 comment:

Christea said...

A lot of times I'll remember somthing and then get a pang, maybe out of anger or embarassment or sadness or a "I wish I never did that" feeling, but in reality I don't think I ACTUALLY regret anything, because I know that if I went back and changed any single thing it would effect everything that followed, and who knows if it would be better or worse... I guess it's less of an "I'm happy with everything I've done" and more of an "I accept everything I've done."