Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Slowing down.

I just spent an hour in washington square park hanging out with the squirrels, doing absolutely nothing.

Probably the healthiest and best hour I have had since I came down here.

I finally identified my problem. I have been slipping into the NY state of mind, which really just doesn't fit in my head. I feel under pressure to constantly be doing something. Go. Work. Create Value. What is missing is the ability to just stop and appreciate something. Today I was watching two squirrels. They were just chillin' about a foot away from my right big toe. I suddenly realized that I have no idea what their tails are for. They are about as big as the squirrels themselves but they seem completely impractical.

Along similar lines, I probably need a typewriter. I get too distracted trying to write on the computer. I also really wish I had a room I could just go to and think. Nothing there but books, papers maybe. Definitely no computer. For lack of a better word, a study.

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