Friday, March 21, 2008

I wanna be your dog.

So that post from earlier today was much angrier than I meant it to be. Ah, well.

Applying for more summer jobs today... got to get something lined up before I get back or I'm pretty fully screwed over.

For whatever reason, for over a week now I haven't been able to sleep more than about 4 hours at a run, regardless whether I'm incredibly tired (with the exception of Monday, which I almost slept through). As I'm sick, this is not helpin' much. It's truly obnoxious, and you could set a clock by it--last night for instance, I kept checking my watch until I fell asleep at 1:15. I woke up this morning and sure enough it was 5:20. Beautiful. Laid there in bed two hours, then the sun came up and I got up.

I don't want to turn this into a gripin' blog, though (regardless of the fact that I'm pretty sure nobody reads it, certainly not yet). I'm actually pretty chilled out these days. Life's just sort of going along, I dealt with most of the drama that I had to deal with and now I can relax a little. I've got some pretty kickass friends both in Maine and New York who keep me really grounded, and I'm dealing with my work for NYU okay. On the whole, not so bad.

Wrote a song last night in the middle of the night that I thought sounded vaguely Velvet underground-ish until I realized it was in 6/4 and the instrumental sound was more of a cross between Grinderman and My Bloody Valentine, if you could imagine that. It has the same sort of vibe as Velvet Underground records, though, despite the weird, distorted instruments. (Also follows the VU format by containing only two chords: I and IV. Should be really interesting when it comes to fruition.


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