Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Is there anybody going to listen to my story?

I take bass lessons with Ron McClure, who's basically the man. He's played bass for Monk, Miles, Wes Montgomery, Blood, Sweat & Tears, and basically everyone else. He's really not into the sound I'm getting from my fretless, though... most of last lesson was him telling me it sounded like an asshole. I'll change up the strings, see what that does.

I've been getting pissed off lately about U.S. nuclear policy. I guess not just U.S. but rather most of the developed world. Even having a nuclear bomb in your arsenal... How could you possibly justify that? There is just no scenario in which it's acceptable to cause so many horrific civilian deaths and so many lives to be ruined... there's always an alternative, and it just doesn't make any sense to have these bombs around "just in case." In case of what? Again--I honestly cannot think of any scenario in which it would even be morally ambiguous to destroy innocent people in such a heinous, vile way.

Agh. More on this later, I've got shit to do.

1 comment:

Z-Money said...

I just saw a speaker today who was a UMaine alumni and Nobel Peace Prize winner because he started the group of doctors against nuclear weapons. He was really old, but really elegant and powerful speaker. If you are suddenly aroused by this issue you should look him up. His name is Dr. Bernard Lown.