Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Check in the appropriate box.

Rehearsal most of the day today with K-skeet & Ally. Ridiculously productive, resulting in two songs that will probably end up being better than anything we'd previously done. Just need lyrics now. We'll do some recording on Friday with Tom there.

Lyrics are fantastically hard, depending on what you decide you want to do with them. It's usually almost impossible to make them actually match the music, because music communicates differently. The best you can do is use words that go along with the general sense of the song. Right now I'm trying to work on one that just doesn't seem to have a specific set of words that will flow with it, and everything I do keeps coming out wrong. Arrgh.

Anyway, I've been feeling pretty shitty. Still no job, few leads on jobs, and though the band is coming along well, I keep winding up stuck in my house absorbing the stresses my family exudes (my mother and I create a damn lot of tension when we're in the same place). You know, I go upstairs or out to the park and read or practice, but I feel really lame and unproductive still unless I'm playing with the band or actively on the job search. Also having troubles because some of my old friends seem to be changing, and some seem not to like me anymore. I guess I still have some getting used to it to do.

1 comment:

Z-Money said...

I have been feeling utterly unproductive as well, unless, like you said, I'm with the band. I think its hard to transition from having a thousand people your age around you, a thousand things you have to do, and even more things you want to do, to the simple life of being home. I know I'm having trouble.