Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I definitely don't post as much back here in Maine for some reason. This runs contrary to logic as I have much more free time here in Maine.

Thoughts at the moment:

1) Don't hate me for having "blank wall, red paint" as the title of this blog. Yeah, it's a shitty title. But it's a shitty blog, and anyway, having to title the blog itself intrinsically kind of sucks. I could have gone with the classic "Owen yells about whatever," but. No.

2) I went on a walk/run for about 2 hours tonight. On this excursion, guess how many people I passed?


Just one.

And it was only 9:30 or 10 at night.

.'. South Portland is very different from NYC.

3) TS&TL have several gigs piling up in June. I think up to 4 potential ones right now and that counts zero grad parties, of which there are likely to be many. Come check us out. We'll also be recording a demo starting... tomorrow, actually.

I'll try to make more of a point to get back here when I have something interesting to talk about.

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