Monday, March 24, 2008

workin' up a black sweat.

Much more relaxed having returned to school from spring break, interestingly. Am feeling more at home here than at home. Guessing that's because people here are used to me as I am, not as I was before college.

First thing my mother says to me upon my arrival:

"Hey Owen! What's that jacket? It doesn't go with your pants, or your hair. It doesn't look like you. Take it off."

Did not take it off, to her chagrin.

Realizing that I miss driving when at school. On plus side, am not paying for gas when at school. On minus side, am paying $2 per subway ride. Win some, lose some.

Wrote a song in 6/4 which sounds kind of like a cross between Modest Mouse and the song "No Pussy Blues" by Grinderman (if you don't know the song, it lives here and is very worth your time to check out.) I'm liking it a lot thus far. Switches between fairly happy, chill groove and over-the-top oh-my-god-loud rock.

In other news, Prince is a beast. Been revisiting a lot of old Prince lately... one of the more talented musicians to walk the earth, no question. Lately though, his 2006 single "Black Sweat" has been stuck in my head pretty constantly. Amazing, amazing song. The video is here, and you should check that out as well if you don't know it. So, so goddamn good.

Have noticed that I occasionally address things on here to "you." Am fairly sure that nobody reads this, upon further reflection; however if you do, and you dig on these songs or whatever, leave me a comment so's I know, man.

Would play some Red Norvo Trio at this juncture but roommate, Malik, is a shleep. Instead, shall do some homework for Econ & Legal Settings of the Music Industry (ah, the things we do as music biz majors).

Good day to you.


Christea said...

Dear Owen, I think it is cute and also funny that you had the strange and absurd thought that I would not already find your top secret online journal. I guess this is payback for you finding my my superawkward lj. See you in, like, ten minutes.

Z-Money said...

I remember when I used to hit up LJ all the time like it was my girlfriend. (Bad pun? Its almost 4 AM) But I read this whole thing and despite the fact most of it is conversations I've already had with you, it is interesting. I miss my blog sometimes, but it wasn't really personal, just about albums so I like what you are doing combining rants with personal stuff. If I was more motivated, I'd do the same. For now, I will just read your shit.

PS. I love you. And so does Prince because Prince loves everybody very sexually.