Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ramble on.

So the snare drum that Danielle ordered a while back finally came in today, completing the rehearsal/recording setup in my room. We now have:

-PA, mics, stands, etc
-basses (E & U), amp
-guitars, amp
-portable 8-track (digital)
-recording interface

In celebration, today my room was the most obnoxiously loud room ever. I'm sure it'll only get more insane this weekend when we're all bumming around with little to do. We've stopped now as it's almost midnight out of respect for those who have class tomorrow, but tomorrow I fully expect to be obnoxiously woken up by people I've never met before beating on the cymbals as hard as they can (I have met quite a few new faces who were attracted by the sweet sounds of the set).

Now everything has chilled down a bit, which is good for my health. Got some sorta mango drank from Upstein, listening to some Miles (first quintet, with Trane); generally just relaxin', cookin', steamin', workin'...

Guess I have two separate recording gigs this weekend. Neither for pay of course (sigh) but it'll be very, very good to get my name out there. That'll put my Actual Releases credit count at 3. I'm a session bassist now! Woo!

I am a tired bassist also, so I'ma go lie down. Adios.

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